C.D. Ivo Roberto Vincenzi, Interprets: Vivaldi, Rosati, Bach, Weiss, and others
1) Allegro Giustto I mov. of the Concert in Antonio Vivaldi's D Major,
2) Allegro Scherzando III mov. of the Concert in Antonio Vivaldi's D Major,
3) Jig to the ancient way of Oscar Rosati,
4) Preludie of the suite in A minor of Silvius Leopoldus Weiss,
5) Allemande of the suite in A minor of Silvius Leopoldus Weiss,
6) Gavotte of the suite in A minor of Silvius Leopoldus Weiss,
7) Gigue of the suite in A minor of Silvius Leopoldus Weiss,
8) Bourrée of the suite I for Johann Sebastian Bach's lute,
9) Bailecito of Carlos Guastavino,
10) Gavotte to the ancient way of Orlando Hernández,
11) Dance of Jorge Martínez Zárate,
12) Musical Moment of Franz Schubert,
13) Odeón (Dance Brasilera) of Ernesto Nazareth,
14) Choro da Saudade of Agustín Barrios Mangoré,
15) Agustín Barrios Mangore's Paraguayan Dance,
16) La Trampera of Aníbal Troilo,
17) Antonio Sinpoli's Vidalita.
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